StudyCard: Study Skills Made Visible

Studycard is a revolutionary solution that helps students and teachers to make their study skills visible and trackable. The platform provides a comprehensive and dynamic way to monitor student progress and tailor learning experiences to their individual needs.


Diploma Worthless? No way!

Look what i can do!

For students, Studycard offers a unique way to track their own progress and see where they stand in relation to their peers. This helps students stay motivated and engaged in their studies, as they can see how far they have come and what they need to work on next.

Studycard benefits

With Studycard, institutes, curriculum makers, and teachers can see which areas their students excel in and where they need improvement, allowing them to adjust their teaching approach to better support their students.

This benefits both the student and the teacher, as the student will receive a more personalized learning experience, and the teacher will be able to see their impact on student performance.

Realtime Student Progression

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works For Every Education / Study and Institute

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Get your Curriculum in order with constructive alignment

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Modular Skills and comptence works on european Qualifaction framework and others

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Check out these incredible numbers

In the past year we have accumilated all "study skill" related data and insights ...

Study Skills
0 k
Educational Institutes
0 +
Studies Mapped
0 +
Dedicated employees
0 +

What makes StudyCard unique? And why wasn't it there before?

What sets Studycard apart from other solutions is its focus on student-centered learning and its ability to provide real-time feedback to both students and teachers. With this powerful tool, education stakeholders can better understand and support student learning, leading to improved outcomes and success.

Our Vision

As you might know, skills getting more and more important. The fun fact is, that these skills are actually hidden in any curriculum.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make all study skills visible. And close the "skills" gap between educations and industry. And we know it can done. Because we already are doing it.

Our Process

We spent a lot of time creating "the framework" that is based on the International (European) Qualification Standard and various educational models e.g. Entrecomp, Boks and more. We keep on developing and create accessible (and easy to use) "Teacher Tools" with you: the student, teachers and other education relation in mind.

With StudyCard you can make all study skills visible ...

start now


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