Define. Align. Combine. #

These are the 3 major steps that you take when you create your curriculum.

Step 1: Define #

a. Curriculum Customization: #

Our Define feature puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to define your curriculum with precision. Tailor it to meet the unique needs of your students, aligning with your institution’s vision and goals.

b. Granular Detailing: #

Define doesn’t just scratch the surface; it delves into the granular details of each course, subject, and module. Capture the essence of your educational offerings by specifying learning objectives, assessment methods, and more.

c. User-Friendly Interface: #

Enjoy a seamless experience with our user-friendly interface. The Define step is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that educators can easily input and modify curriculum details to reflect the dynamic nature of education.


Step 2: Combine #

a. Educational Building Blocks: #

With the Combine feature, you’re not just dealing with isolated courses; you’re building educational foundations. Connect curriculum building blocks with each other, creating a cohesive and comprehensive structure for a holistic learning experience.

b. Interdisciplinary Integration: #

Encourage interdisciplinary learning by seamlessly combining diverse educational elements. Our tool facilitates the creation of a curriculum that fosters cross-disciplinary connections, preparing students for the complexity of the real world.

c. Real-Time Collaboration: #

Experience real-time collaboration among educators involved in curriculum development. The Combine step ensures that the educational building blocks come together cohesively, reflecting the collective expertise of your institution.


Step 3: Align #

a. Vertical Alignment: #

Align your curriculum vertically, ensuring that learning objectives progress logically and build upon each other. The Align feature guarantees a smooth and logical educational journey for students as they advance through your programs.

b. Horizontal Consistency: #

Maintain consistency across educational levels with horizontal alignment. The Align step ensures that expected learning outcomes are harmonized, providing a standardized educational experience within your institution.

c. Analytics for Continuous Improvement: #

Utilize analytics to measure the effectiveness of your aligned curriculum. Track student performance, identify areas for improvement, and refine your educational approach based on real-time data.


What are your feelings
Updated on December 11, 2023